Dental care for anxious children

Even if you like working with children, some cases can be stressful and out of your comfort zone. We are here to make your clinical life a little easier.

How can our paedodontist be useful to you?
Dr. Khaled Almukhtar

Specialist Paedodontist MClinDent, BDS, MFGDP, MFDS GDC

Registration Number 109421

More information
  • Treatment planning and maintenance regimes
  • Behavioural management: tell-show-do, distraction, and positive reinforcement
  • Sedation options: inhalation, oral and iv sedation
  • Diagnosis and management of developmental anomalies
  • Management and advice on the management of caries in high-risk patients
  • Restorative treatments including children's crowns and direct restorations
  • Pulp therapy (baby tooth root canal) to save primary teeth
  • Trauma management
  • Care and advice on intruded, extruded, avulsed and chipped or fractured teeth
  • Splinting and reimplantation
  • Care tailored for the children with special needs, physical or developmental challenges
  • Early orthodontic assessment
  • Space maintainers for prematurely lost baby teeth or tooth eruption
Case study
5-year-old boy with severe early childhood caries

Intermittent discomfort in the left posterior tooth. Presence of multiple black cavities in the upper front teeth. No history of facial swelling.

The patient was given a customised prevention plan and underwent chairside dental treatment, which included the placement of Stainless steel crowns on all primary molars using a child-friendly technique (Hall technique) and strip crowns on the upper anterior teeth.

We are here for you
Pond Square Dental, 26 Highgate High Street, London N6 5JG